So, it is my mission to find more good in humanity and spread as much good karma as I can as well. Yes, I have rainbows shooting out of my belly a la the Care Bears. I have recently donated all of the Yeti's too small clothes to good will in addition to all of ours. I also donated several packages of unopened, too small diapers to our local women's shelter.
I have noticed that I am having a much easier time doing good than seeing good. It seems in our age of instant everything, that we have no time for common courtesy or even taking a few minutes to go out of our way to help someone who needs it.
Story time:
Earlier this week, I was leaving the grocery store and trying to get the Yeti into the car after someone parked waaay too close and manage to get my 3 bags of groceries packed in. Reminder: it is winter in New England and slightly chilly. Former Insomniac Mom would have wailed my door into theirs out of spite and pure pissed offedness. Of course, the second I took the Yeti out, the cart started to roll away. WTF moment. Much to my surprise, a very nice gentleman stopped the cart, put my groceries in the back of my car while I wrestled with the car seat, and offered to put my cart away. The skeptic in me assumed that he was an axe murderer/serial rapist and would duct tape my hands, throw me in his van, and lock me in his dungeon for all eternity. However, I was touched. I thanked him profusely. He offered a simple 'Your welcome' and continued on his way. This one act restored my faith in humanity. All is not lost. I vowed to pay it forward.
Today while in the grocery store, an elderly man was rifling through his
I am writing this post to encourage everyone to do the same. No act is too small. You don't have to volunteer 40 hours a week to make a difference in someone's day. So, in addition to all my other 101 goals, I am aiming to take any opportunity to be a better person. I will be more generous with pleases, thank yous, compliments, and praises. I hope that this will rub off on my Yeti someday and that this attitude will multiply rather than dwindle as it seems to be in this age of impatience, ego, and selfishness.
Kindness does go a long way doesn't it. I got a postcard in the mail this week from a friend out of the blue who gave me a paid subscription to a magazine. So nice.